STK-ID 31338

Front LS of lake freighter moving towards camera through mirror-like waters of canal. Side shot of freighter passing camera, trees, ship, reflected in calm waters. Bows on shot, from side of lock, of freighter moving slowly towards gate in foreground. HAS of ship moving towards camera. HAS of ship moving away from camera through lock. Shot of railway swing bridge into place over canal. HAS over construction buildings, PAN over countryside, Saint Lawrence River in background. Shot from underneath gantries of cantilever structure supporting circuit breakers, insulators. HA PAN over gantries, power towers, Saint Lawrence River in background. Shot along dam, water flowing out of sluices. LS of lake freighter in canal. LS of street in Iroquois, narrow canal, sign "Iroquois" in foreground. CUs of crane operator at his post. Side LS and closer shot of cantilever bridge spanning Saint Lawrence River, lake freighter passing underneath..


Excerpt from
Saint Lawrence River, Iroquois (city)
National Film Board
Available formats
Video HI 8, Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
16mm eastman color neg, 35mm neg b&w
Aspect ratio