STK-ID 31354

Various shots of Rocky Mountains peaks, some snow-covered, some with clouds moving over peak, some with lakes and trees in foreground. Numerous shots of big horn sheep, of ewes and rams grazing in mountain meadows, wandering and grazing on hillside, standing around on steep rocky crags. Shots of small herd of sheep pawing at snow to get at grass for grazing. MSs and MCSs of cow moose grazing in woods, light snow on ground. LSs and MSs of mountain goats moving about on cliff face. MSs of wapiti cow grazing in forest. LSs of wapiti bull in snow-covered forest. Various shots of buffalo grazing in snow-covered open area, trees and hills in background.


Excerpt from
Wildlife in Canada
Canadian Rockies
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm, Video HI 8
Shooting format
16mm original ektachrome
Aspect ratio