Rear shot of "Columbia" mission ship moving slowly towards floating lumber camp at foot of tree-covered mountain ridge. Shot of captain of the "Columbia" leaving helm and turning up volume on walkie-talkie set. AERIAL SHOT over Alert Bay. Side shot of "Columbia" approaching floating lumber camp. Shots of "Columbia" tying up at dock, men standing on platform, waiting to greet doctor of mission ship. DOLLY LS of rugged British Columbia coastline from moving boat, floating logging camps visible. MS of man acknowledging signal from bridge, setting course on dial of engine room telegraph. MS of two lumberjacks attaching cable to logs, getting out of way as logs are hauled away by winch cable. Rear shot of the two lumberjacks clambering up bank away from logs and cable. HAS of waterfront, logs being hauled by cable from top of mountain to river below. LS of splash as log hits water, FOLLOW SHOT of log being dragged into position by cable, lumberjack using pike pole to guide log. AERIAL SHOT over western section of Alert Bay. Side shot of the "Columbia" moving slowly up river. MLS of small freighter moving slowly up river.