Opening of New Aviation Building: HAMLSs of building, moderate traffic moving by. Closer shot of building, words "International Aviation Building", "Airlines". Interior shot of airlines offices, women at work at desks, large transparent models of aircraft in conspicuous positions. Various shots of various airlines desks, personnel at work, customers buying tickets. Interior shot of large conference hall, delegates from different nations at International Civil Aviation Organization conference, speakers including Dr E Warner orating. Shots of various country name plates in front of delegates, of delegates wearing earphones for translations of speeches. Three shots of Highland band playing. Two LASs of Royal Canadian Mounted Police constable. Sequence on ceremonial part of proceedings, stage, microphones, VIP's including Mayor Camilien Houde of Montreal, Minister of Trade and Commerce CD Howe, Minister of Transport Lionel Chevrier, sitting on stage, speaking at microphones, Donald Gordon introducing speakers. Shots of Sir W Hildrep, of CD Howe cutting ribbon to officially open building as others, including Donald Gordon, stand by. Shots of three stewardesses posing, poster of Air France in background. (02/06/1950)