Arctic Ship CGS C.D. HOWE launched in September 1950: bow-on LS of the C.D. Howe moored to wharf. Two shots of name "C.D. Howe" on hull. Shot of guests coming aboard, Mr Lessard representing C.D. Howe coming aboard, being greeted by Captain Albert Chouinard. Shot of lines being cast off, crewman hauling line in. Shot of captain on bridge. Three shots of quarter master steering ship. Bow-on shot of ship under way. Side LAS of bridge, captain. Shot of landing craft on deck. Shots of Sikorsky helicopter approaching ship, of helicopter leaving ship's landing platform. Brief shot of ship from helicopter. Sequence on ship as seen from helicopter, pilot in extreme foreground as camera helicopter comes in for landing. Shot of crewman directing pilot of helicopter, actual landing not shown. Sequence on loading of supplies for Arctic bases, oil drums, cranes, canoes, rowboats. MS of two young Inuit girls with white interpreter. Shot of girls looking out of bridge window, waving. Shot of whistle blowing, gangplank being removed, lines being cast off. Shots of ship pulling away from wharf. Several MSs, MLSs of ship on its way. (20/07/1950)