MS of tilting flume in hydraulic laboratory of engineering department of University of British Columbia. CUs of Professor Pretious in charge of study of Fraser River model, of student reading gauge controlling flow. CU of glass flume, modes of bed load transport of river sand shown in miniature through glass. HAS over University of British Columbia campus, buildings. Several HALSs of three-acre model of Fraser River on UBC grounds. HAS over campus, buildings. LAS of sign re Fraser River model. Various shots of seaward end of north arm of Fraser River model, staff members moulding bottom. MS of line of eight tilting weirs controlling tide height and flow. CU of water rushing into main reservoir dump as tide falls. LS of tidal pumphouse looking across simulated strait of Georgia, UBC Engineering building in background. LS of river system, water in it. Various shots of parts of set up, of operator checking equipment. Shot of student operator, of Professor Pretious looking over tide graph. Shot of professor Pretious putting tide graph into photocell reader, closing lid. Shots of control box for river discharge in river control pumphouse, V-shaped weir for controlling river flow discharge. Shots of model, water flowing through. CU of UBC sign. Shots of model in action. (15/11/1950)