STK-ID 31590

Sequence showing activity aboard research lobster boat, crewmen lowering or raising lobster pots, emptying sack full of small lobster in tub, tending their various duties. CU of face of fisherman, of palm of his hand, tiny lobsters being put into it. Shot of contents of tub being strained into piece of burlap, residue being displayed on inverted tub. CU of very tint lobsters being nudged by pencil point. Interior shots of school, fishermen in Sunday clothes chatting in hallway, filing in past camera. Shots of men chatting, of meeting in classroom. Shots of Dr Wilder measuring lobsters on dock, of group of fishermen sitting in boat, discuss their problems with conservation officer. Various CUs and MSs of fishermen. General shots of dories moored to docks, of fishermen working on or loading lobster pots, of lobster boats moving out to sea. Shots of Dr Wilder measuring lobsters. Shots of swelling seas from rocking boat with davit, fishermen in foreground, of men boating a drag net, taking water temperature. (00/09/1954)


Excerpt from
Lobsters Are a Community Affair
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, HDCAM SR, Digital Video Disk
Shooting format
35mm neg b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
1920 x 1080