MS of manure being machine-spread on field. LS, MSs and CSs of buckwheat field being ploughed by tractor-drawn implement. LS, MS and CS of two men stooking cut grain. LSs, TILT DOWN to CSs of large field of lettuce. LSs, MSs and CSs of workers picking carrots at Holland Marsh, Ontario. CSs of healthy, ripe tomatoes. CS of hand stripping ear of corn on stalk. MS, MCSs and CSs of peach trees, ripe fruits. MS, MCSs and CSs of apple trees, ripe fruits. CS of cross section of plant showing roots with nitrogen nodules. CSs of lichen, moss and plants growing on rocky cliffside. CSs and MSs of healthy dairy cattle grazing in field. Time lapse CSs of lilies, hyacinths, tulips blooming. Several MSs and CSs of rain falling in corn plot, washing away soil erosion.