STK-ID 31763

Merlin and young: MCS of foliage with TILT UP to MLS of wood and ZOOM IN to CS of top of spruce above others, on which large merlin is perched, TILT DOWN back to foliage. CS of baby merlins with ZOOM IN and OUT to MS and CS. MS PAN over foliage to MCS of merlin perched on top of spruce and back to young. Other CS of young with PAN over foliage to CS of perched merlin. MCS with TILT UP over other spruce with merlin perched at top. ECU and CS of adult merlin. Several ECUs of heads of baby merlins. Several ECUs of adult merlin perched on spruce.


Excerpt from
Le Grand Héron
Iles Les Pelerins
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio