Various shots of wild African landscapes, jungle, snowy mountains in distance. Several village scenes, man moving about past grass huts, children standing by. Sequence on children at play, riding homemade scooter on jungle paths, racing by camera. Sequence on several boys stripping, playing, stark naked, in shallow stream, dressing. Shots of children sitting. CUs of faces, heads. Shots of man at work on his sandals. Quick shots of faces of adults, youngsters. Shots of single hen pecking at dirt. Various shots of natives doing various chores, sweeping leaves from doorstep, cutting and gathering palm leaves, herding four goats out of shelter, sharpening knife. Various shots of preparation of meal, man chopping manioc, crouching woman blowing on fire to start flame, feeding flame with kindlings, of young child, of man smoking. Shots of family eating around fire. Shot of boy drinking in tin.