STK-ID 31848

Resurrection City/Poor People’s Campaign: various shots of large crowd of people both Black and white protesting around the Washington Monument with placards that read most notably “I have a Dream: One America,” “All Rights for All People,” “United Auto Workers Supports Economic Bill of Rights,” “America! Why not Now?” “UAW Supports Full Employment and Guaranteed Annual Income for All Americans,” “All Rights for All People,” “UAW Supports: A Useful Job at Decent Pay for Every American,” “Freedom!” with picture of Martin Luther King Jr., “End Hunger in America,” “UAW Supports Bold Action to Rebuild America: Abolish Slums and Ghettos,” “Redeem the American Promise: Life, Liberty, Happiness for All,” “UAW Supports: Jobs, Education, Housing, Medical Care, Guaranteed Income.” CU on a Black man with a banner: “Poor People’s March in Washington DC; in Memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.”


Excerpt from
Washington, D.C.
National Film Board
Available formats
Digital Bétacam, Digital Video Disk, Reel 16 mm, HDCAM SR
Shooting format
16mm original ektachrome
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486, 1920 x 1080