Maritime Holiday: station wagon moves past camera along cliff road. Cut to station wagon arriving at "The Pines" hotel in Digby, Nova Scotia. Shots of men playing golf. Cut to MS of luxurious Algonquin hotel. HA PAN over beach, moderately crowded. HA PAN over long empty beach, small breakers dying on sand. Shot of "The Rocks" at Hopewell Cape. Two views of water washing up against rocky shore. Two shots of reconstruction of Port Royal, Champlain's habitation. Several shots of waterfronts of fishing villages, boathouses, wharves, small fishing boats moored thereto, a few villages houses in background, lobster traps stacked on piers. MS of flock of gulls fighting for tidbits on wharf. LAMLSs, MSs of top of lighthouse, tourists waving from same. Three views of sailing ship rigging, no sails. Shot of a schooner sailing away from camera. Shot of car backing up Magnetic Hill. Static shot of sheep grazing in meadow, small lake in background. PANs of Maritime countryside, gently rolling fields, small lakes. Cut to MS of clock tower on Citadel Hill in Halifax. HA PANs of Halifax harbour from Citadel Hill, waterfront buildings. Shot of facade of Marine Museum. Several shots of large fishing harbour in Halifax, schooners moored to wharves.