Oblique AERIAL SHOTs of Endako Mine in the wilds of British Columbia, of buildings, open pit. LS of open pit. Shots of surveyor and rod man surveying. MLS of tractor-mounted drill. LS of tremendous blast. LS down pit of large electric shovel loading thirty-five-ton trucks. Several shots of trucks moving past camera. HAS of truck arriving at primary crusher shed. Closer shot of truck backing up into shed. Shot of crusher control room, workers standing by. CUs of ore falling out of truck onto crusher grate. Shots of plant, of coarse ore stockpile. HAMLSs of rod mill in grinding section. Closer shot of large revolving drums. HASs of floating plant control board, man standing by, of flotation cells. Closer shots of molybdenite concentrate. Interior shot of ball mill in operation, large drums turning. CU of opening into one of the drums. Shot of worker supervising. CU of thick molybdenite concentrate. Brief shots inside canning plant showing molybdenite concentrate being packed into drums.