FOLLOW SHOTs of riders racing alongside camera on saddle horses, mountains in background. Various shots of riders crossing prairie. CS of leader of group telling boys a story, group climbing hills on horseback under supervision of leader. CS of boys eating steak sandwiched between slices of bread. CU of bacon frying in pan. Swish PAN to four slices of French toast in pan. CS of man saddling up horse, riders leaving tents on horses, crossing stream, riders washing faces in stream. CU of feet of horses wading through water, supervisor and young rider riding side by side on trail. Front shot of riders. CUs of meat being cooked by holding sticks over fire, of sizzling steak ready to eat. LS of riders on horseback wading across stream. CUs of pot of vegetables and steak being removed from earth where it is kept warm, of boy saddling up horse, of shadows of riders on mountain, of feet of horses walking over sand and gravel.