Queen's Visit to Expo '67 (00/07/1967): sequence showing crowds lining route, Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip on dais in front of Parliament Buildings in Ottawa, prime minister Lester B Pearson, Paul Martin, John George Diefenbaker sitting, Queen reading speech from throne. Night shot of Expo '67 in Montreal, many people, Queen being escorted around various pavilions, giant board flashing details of Queen's visit, Queen and Prince Phillip riding minirail, crowds cheering below. Shot of United States pavilion. CU of Canadian flag. Shot of royal yacht coming up river, being anchored, Queen standing at railing. AERIAL SHOT over yacht and many smaller vessels. Sequence showing royal couple visiting Bellevue House, former residence of Sir John A MacDonald, royal visitors unveiling commemorative plaque at National Arts Centre in Ottawa. Sequence on Queen, Prince Phillip and prime minister Pearson attending dinner party for young Canadians at Government House. Night shot of royal visitors boarding BOAC jet for flight home.