STK-ID 32165

HAMLS of gas separator tanks from top of field storage tank. Shot of man measuring volume of oil on roof of storage tank, flare burning in the distance, TILT UP to spruce forest in background, to cloudy sky. MLS of pipe valve sticking out of ground in clearing, man in chaps, PAN to man's horse. CU of man's hand turning valve, placing ball in open pipe. LSs, MSs and CUs of gas flare, or oil fire burning from hole in ground, making volumes of smoke, drilling rig visible in some shots, forest in background. ELS of oil derrick sticking out of unbroken expanse of trees, smoke of oil fire rising from beside rig. HAMS of gas separator, man climbing on top of storage tank where camera is, man checking oil in tank. Similar shot from ground. CU of man in respirator, of testing equipment, of sample of oil. Shot of small gas flare burning. CU of tension gauge at well. Shot of power plant.


Excerpt from
Roughnecks: The Story of Oil Drillers
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, Digital Bétacam, Digital Video Disk
Shooting format
35mm neg b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486