LS of valley, snow, evergreen trees in distance, mountains in far distance. Shots of clouds and sun, of wisps of vapour moving slowly between peaks, of clouds crowning high mountains. Various shots of mountain range, of various mountains, of mountains topped by ragged clouds. LS of mountain range with clouds overhead, HAS of evergreen forest in foreground. Dark shot of mountains, storm clouds floating over them. Shot of storm clouds in sky. Shot of hazy peak, diffuse sun above. Shot of large mountain streaked with snow. Several shots of mountain scenery in winter. Shots of powerline in mountains, of pylons, one lying crumpled in snow. Special effect shot of firn field in the mountains. Front and profile HASs of glacier. Various LSs of mountain scenery, of mountains. MLS of shed built to protect railway tracks from avalanches. Shot of diesel freight train speeding by camera, entering shed. (00/02/1958)