STK-ID 32223

American Ambassador's Funeral: two TILT UP Peace Tower from American Embassy. Shot of Stars and Stripes at half mast, TILT DOWN to door of American Embassy. Shot of Stars and Stripes at half mast, TILT DOWN American Legation residence to people standing outside. Shot of dignitaries walking towards American Legation residence. LS of American Legation residence, snow on ground. Shots of dignitaries walking out legation, including prime minister William Lyon Mackenzie King and Chilean Ambassador. Shot of Mackenzie King walking towards his car. Shot of dignitaries walking towards and past camera. Shot of pallbearers carrying flag-draped coffin into hearse. Shots of funeral cortege moving past camera followed by motorcycle police. Shots of cortege arriving at Union Station, of dignitaries getting off cars, pallbearers carrying coffin into station. MS of passenger train coming into station past camera. HAMSs of dignitaries marching in procession, coffin being carried past camera in Union Station. MS of Union Jack flag at half mast. TILT DOWN Peace Tower to Parliament Buildings, snow on hill.


Excerpt from
Trail Smelter / American Ambassador's Funeral
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, Video HI 8
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio