STK-ID 32225

Newsreel Stories: CU of hand opening door of bakery oven, revealing bread loaves. Shot of caterpillar crane moving pipe into laying position. MLS of two men removing bread loaves from pans, FOLLOW SHOT of loaves moving on conveyor. MS of flames blazing from mouth of gas jet pipe. Shots of men preparing pipe section for fitting, of welder welding pipes. MLS of overland pipe being laid, extending to the distance. MCS of baking bread loaves in bakery oven. LS of mechanical oil drill in motion. CU of rotating wheels of "taper" painting, sealing pipe, rotating around pipeline. MLS of oil drill sinking shaft. Shots of men at work laying pipe for overland pipeline. MS of two men lighting brick furnaces. MS of "pipe taper" machine sealing overland pipeline.


Excerpt from
Wool Combing / Newsreel Stories
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, Digital Video Disk, Digital Bétacam
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486