STK-ID 32228

L'Or noir (petroleum): HALSs of country road, village and mountains in background. MSs of small truck moving towards and past camera on road, of car passing oil truck, of oil truck moving towards and past camera. LS of oil derrick, mountains in background. PAN across oil town. MLS of Black Diamond Hotel, cars parked in front. MS of sign "Welcome Inn", cars parked along sidewalk. MLS of oil derrick. Shot of oil wells, town in distant background. Shots of oil refineries and oil derrick. Shots of oil truck moving towards and past camera, of two trucks moving away from camera along country road. MS of rotating drill of oil well, roughnecks standing by. Shot of oil well, temporary building in right and left foreground. TILT DOWN oil derrick to base. Shots of freight train moving past camera. MLS of oil well. CU of working power unit. PAN along pipeline from oil well to storage tank of sort. Shots of flames and smoke billowing up from flare pipe. TILT UP flame and smoke from flare pipe, derrick in extreme foreground. Shots of power unit of derrick at work. MLSs of oil derrick, including roughneck on platform halfway up the tower. Shot of two men operating power unit of derrick, pipe unit turning in foreground. Shots of pipe driven in hole for oil, of machine rotating as pipe goes down hole. PAN across temporary oil buildings to oil derrick. Shot of men entering temporary building. Shots of men eating inside canteen. Sequence on surveying showing hands unscrewing pipe, removing mud cylinder, putting them into wooden box, hand examining, manipulating mud core. Various shots of oil pump at work. CU of meter registering oil.


Excerpt from
Reportages nº 111
National Film Board
Available formats
Digital Bétacam, Reel 35 mm, Digital Video Disk
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486