L'Or noir (petroleum): vertical LAS inside oil well tower. Shots of man eating while working, operating crank. CU of meter. Shots of oil drill turning. Shots of man checking meter. Sequence showing three roughnecks changing pipe of drill, drill going in hole as roughnecks stand by, roughnecks tightening drill head, drill head going into shaft. LASs of top of drill, MS of drill turning. Shots of various oil tanks. MLS of refinery, smoke billowing up from smokestack. Rear MLSs of tractor dropping oil line, CUs of line on ground, TILT Ups along line being dropped along road. Shots of oil refinery plant. Shots of Hereford cows crossing bridge towards camera, of cows along road, of cows going through street of small town, of cows in street as seen through window of butcher shop. Shots of men unloading pipes from truck, rolling them off truck. FOLLOW SHOTs pacing teenagers packed in old car, car arriving at school, teens piling out of car, entering school. Shot of burn off flare coming out pipe. ESTABLISHING SHOT of oil refinery. Shots of two roughnecks operating drill at oil well, of three roughnecks changing drill head. CSs of power unit operating drill.