STK-ID 32323

Shots of high waves, rough sea. MLS of wreck of ship near shore. PANs from cliff to ship in water, high shore in background. TRAVELLING SHOT from dogsled of dogs running, hauling sled. HAS of dogsled moving along edge of water, PAN to ship in river. BOATING SHOT from wharf as camera boat moves away. Shots of steel barrels, of man's hand steering motorboat, water in background. CUs of man, of captain. Shots of men unloading bales of hay from ship into rowboat. Shots of foggy shore, some snow, from ship. Shots of sailor at railing, rolling cigarette, PAN to foggy shore. HASs of bow of ship sailing through rough water. Shots of sailor carrying piece of paper coming out cabin on deck, of sailor climbing stairs to bridge, of sailor handing message to captain proceeding to read it, PAN to CU of compass. CU of man's hand turning speed indicator to slow.


Excerpt from
River Workers
Quebec (province)
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, Video HI 8
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio