STK-ID 32327

Two AERIAL SHOTS past top of observation towers, one under construction, Niagara Falls in background. AERIAL HAS of tower under construction. AERIAL SHOT away, TILT DOWN to base. Low level AERIAL SHOT over roof of Hamilton Steel Mill, over smokestack belching smoke, TILT UP to include large amount of smoke over mill. Shot over rooftop of mill. Oblique low level AERIAL LS of mill, TILT DOWNS to large number of various machines painted red on parking lot. Shot of steel mill, TILT UP tower. HAS over slag dumpers. Shot of dumpers dumping slag. Slow AERIAL SHOT of rooftop of Hamilton Steel Mill, numerous chimneys, much smoke. AERIAL SHOT over scrap yard, beached lake freighter, other dismantled freighter, cranes. AERIAL SHOT over Hamilton Steel Mill, snow on ground, ice on rivers. (00/02/1962)


Excerpt from
Helicopter Canada
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, Digital Video Disk, HDCAM SR
Shooting format
35mm eastman color neg, 35mm color print
Aspect ratio
4/3, 16/9
Available resolutions
1920 x 1080