[ANAMORPHIC LENS] Lengthy low level AERIAL FOLLOW SHOT of bus moving through Rogers Pass, through snow sheds. Stationary shot of snowy plain in Rockies, two peaks in background, barrel of lens visible. TILT DOWN to AERIAL SHOT of motel in Roger Pass. TRAVELLING AERIAL SHOT of bus coming out of snow shed, moving through Roger Pass, barrel of lens visible. AERIAL FOLLOW SHOT of bus, barrel of lens visible. Low level AERIAL SHOT of road through Roger Pass, motels and hotels along. AERIAL TRAVELLING SHOTS of concrete dinosaur to ESTABLISHING SHOTs of Alberta badlands, barrel of lens visible. FOLLOW SHOT of antelopes in badlands. FOLLOW SHOT of antelopes on plain. AERIAL SHOT of two trucks chasing antelopes, barrel of lens visible. Side MS of one of the trucks. Similar shot of other truck. (00/03/1965)