STK-ID 32356

[ANAMORPHIC LENS] AERIAL SHOT approaching rear of ferryboat. Side shot of ferryboat. AERIAL SHOT over several naval ships moored to pier, dock area in background. AERIAL SHOTS over Victoria dock area, over city, legislature. AERIAL PAN along extremely long CN freight train twisting along high cliff in Fraser Canyon, barrel of camera lens visible. AERIAL SHOT from position ahead and above train, barrel of camera lens visible. CRANE UP wooded slope, freight train emerging from tunnel, making its way through Fraser Canyon, barrel of camera lens visible. Lengthy AERIAL FOLLOW SHOT of red roadster speeding along cliff-hanging highway through Fraser Canyon, through short tunnel. FOLLOW SHOT of red roadster moving along highway, disappearing into tunnel. Oblique AERIAL SHOT of outside of tunnel, TILT DOWN to tracks on lower level, Fraser River in background. Low AERIAL SHOT of tree-covered slope sloping away abruptly to reveal Fraser Canyon and River, far wooded slope. Slow AERIAL TRAVELLING SHOT inside canyon, Fraser River below, cliffs on both sides. (00/05/1964)


Excerpt from
Helicopter Canada
Victoria (British Columbia), Thompson-Okanagan
National Film Board
Available formats
Video HI 8, Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
35mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio