LS of Cape Dorset settlement, bay in foreground, rocky shore. LACU of Inuit. MS of Inuit adult and children, PAN to LS of two men in canoe. Brief shots of Cape Dorset terrain, of cliff-like coast. LS and closer shots of Inuits gathering "Kownik" (edible seaweed). Various AERIAL SHOTs of barrens. HALS of part of Dorset community, church in extreme background. Rear shot of Inuit mother and child walking towards church. HAMLS of Dorset. PAN from buildings to rocky outcropping. MSs of Inuit woman making bread out of oven, making raisin cookies, putting dough into oven. Interior shot of "restaurant", white men, Inuits being served by Inuit waitress at lunch bar. Various shots of Inuits at weekly dance, of children sleeping during dance. Interior shots of "sauna" (steam bath in plastic igloo), of Inuits and white men sitting and sweating. CUs of their faces, of hand pouring water on hot stones. Various shots of Inuit church service at Saint John Anglican Church showing front, side and rear view of attendance, baby with bottle, Reverend Michael Gardiner and assistant preacher Simeonnie. MCSs of Inuit faces looking at camera during visit to power plant. Short sequence showing Inuit repairing outboard motor, Paul Charbonneau looking on. Two shots of group of Inuits. (00/08/1961)