Shots of man operating blast furnace, of molten metal being poured from vat, CU of molten metal being poured into mould. Shots of two prospectors taking rock samples, of surveyor setting up marker, of two prospectors in Assayer's office, of two prospectors charting course on wall map. CSs of hand removing red hot moulds from foundry kiln, of moulds on tray, of small, shining object in palm of hand, of pencil putting round object on moulds. Shots by Scowing River showing moored oil barges, workmen along waterfront, priest and men waiting for motorboat by river, priest greeting people coming off boat, priest talking with man and woman. Shots of man placing drill core samples in box. MSs of prospector walking up to barber shop, entering. CUs of signs "Frobisher Exploration Co", "LaSalle Yellowknife Gold Mines Ltd", "American Metal Co of Canada". Sequence on prospector arriving home showing man walking with sack on back and rifle towards shack, woman greeting and kissing him, of man posing with husky dogs.