Shots of Duke of Edinburgh (Prince Philip) taking Department of Transport Viscount, of Queen Elizabeth II taking separate DOT plane. Shots of royal couple shaking hands with dignitaries in Whitehorse, banner reading "Whitehorse Welcomes You to The Yukon". LS of royal visitors coming off DOT viscount. Shot of group of Brownies waving Union Jacks flags madly. CU of words "Canada, Dept of Transport" on Viscount fuselage. LAMS of royal couple and host on dais. Rear shot of same, Whitehorse Airport main hangar in background. LAS of Royal Standard flag, TILT DOWN to crowd, aircraft in background. Shot of man in uniform talking with group of elderly Indigenous men and women wearing traditional clothing, some wearing medals. CUs of lapel button of press cameraman, of man shooting candid camera. Shot of royal couple chatting with same group of older Indigenous men and women, taking train. Sequence on royal visitors attending naval ceremony in Victoria showing Queen and duke arriving, of Queen on dais, of Queen inspecting sailors. Shots of sailors parading past dais, British Columbia Legislature in background. Shots of royal couple, of motorcade, of naval inspection, of ceremony on steps of Legislature, of statue of Victoria, TILT DOWN to Queen on dais. Shots of Queen leaving Shaughnessy Hospital. Sequence on ceremony in stadium, of mace, of Highland lassies parading, of Chinese children in national costume, of Highland boys.