Interior shots of banquet in Halifax, of Prime Minister John diefenbaker, of Queen. Various shots of BOAC Comet flying Royal Standard flag, of Queen signing guest book, of Highland regiment sentry saluting, of royal car driving out into Halifax street. Sequence showing naval ceremony in progress, sailors on parade. Shots of Queen on dais, of naval band marching, playing. Shots of Queen Elizabeth II and Duke of Edinburgh (Prince Philip) on dais in Fredericton, of queen signing guest book, of royal visitors driving off, waving. Several shots of spectators looking on, shooting pictures, waving. Shots of Queen shaking hands with Scouts on dais. Sequence showing royal visitors getting off train at Wainwright, Alberta, shaking hands, driving past large crowds, returning to station where they say farewell. CU of sign "Wainwright". LAMLS of grain elevator. Night sequence showing large scale model of British man-o-war, royal yacht at dock side, royal visitors walking towards camera, waving. Daytime MS of Queen standing on dais, sailors manoeuvering in background. CU of sign "Batterwood House". LAS of Royal Standard flag flying from church steeple, royal visitors and Governor general Vincent Massey coming out of Saint Mark's Anglican Church, driving off. Sequence showing Queen inspecting RCAF personnel.