Shots of Junkers W-34 (large cabin monoplane with floats) flying past camera, landing on Ottawa River past DH Otter in foreground, taxiing towards camera to pier, group of people waiting. Shots of Paul Davoud, Minister of Northern Affairs and National Resources Walter G Dinsdale, pilot J Racey, curator of National Aviation Museum Ken Molson and Mrs W Beniehson, daughter of donor Mrs JA Richardson of Winnipeg. Shots of group, of Mrs Beniehson speaking, presenting Minister Dinsdale with a book. Shot of group walking over to plane moored to pier. LSs of Junkers flying past, landing, taxiing toward camera. Shot of pilot Racey getting out, shaking hands with Mrs Beniehson and Dinsdale. Shot of Molson joining group for a chat. PAN along group of guests to J Racey, Mrs Beniehson, Molson and Dinsdale. Shot of Minister Dinsdale speaking into microphone. MS of plane being serviced. PAN from Dinsdale speaking to Mrs Beniehson, Davoud and Racey, Junkers plane in background. Shot of Minister Dinsdale presenting curator Molson with book. Shots of Junkers plane at pier. (17/09/1962)