Shots of modern office furniture sets, of modern altar. MS of couple shopping sofas in store, salesman standing by. CS of hand planning piece of wood, of man painting small table with spray gun, of young man stuffing seat of chair, covering stuffing with cloth. Shot of dining room set. MS of draft from over shoulder of man. Shots of man showing two students, including Black man, the use of chisel. Shots of two men bending piece of lumber to round-shape it. Shots of man working on small piece of wood with chisel, of other man sanding wooden structure of furniture. HA PAN over chairs and tables in children's library. Various shots of children at tables in library, of women looking over children at tables. CU of draft of piece of furniture. Shots of hand planning piece of lumber, of turning wheel of machine in workshop, of man's face measuring piece of lumber, holding it in front of his eye, of two men at work on machines in workshop. HACS of man applying watercolors to sketch of room. Rear MLS of students drafting in classroom. MCS of hands taking cards from drawer of filing cabinet.