MS of stone statue at "Lady of Mercy" Hospital. MS of woman standing besides sculpture depicting man holding hammer. Shots of sculptor Elford Cox at work on piece of wood, of Cox polishing wooden sculpture with liquid (oil?). MS of abstract sculpture on display. CU of faces of statue depicting Inuit woman and baby on her back by Frances Loring. CU of sculptor Marius Barbeau looking at something off frame. Shot of two plaster plaques on wall depicting bearded man. Shots of Louis Parent working on large statue of Jesus Christ, of woman working of sculpture of man holding hammer, model in foreground. Shots of sculptor Donald Stewart breaking plaster mould with hammer and chisel, of Stewart scraping off clay sculpture from plaster mould. PAN inside artist's studio to Emmanuel Hahn working, rear shot of the artist working on plaster cast for Canadian dime. Shots of sculptor Jacobine Jones hauling up stone block, placing table under block. HACU of hands preparing plaster mould. MS of Donald Stewart breaking mould off bust with hammer and chisel. Rear MS of sculptor Elizabeth Wyn Wood at work on bust of man. Shots of Jacobine Jones at work on sculpture with chisel and hammer, sketch of horse on easel, of Jones polishing bronze sculpture of rider on horseback. CU of bas-relief depicting start of colony war scene between settlers and Indigenous people. Shots of de Maisonneuve monument by Philippe Hebert at Place d'Armes in Old Montreal. MS of sculptor Florence Wyle at work on sculture depicting reclining female figure. LACU of Louis Parent's hand at work on sculpture of Jesus Christ. Side shots of stone statue depicting woman holding water vase, of water pouring from vase.