Fathers of Confederation on dais orating in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. Cuts to listeners dressed in period costumes. Shot of a lady in antique clothes sitting in carriage. LSs of Fathers riding carriages past large crowd of onlookers. Cut to Fathers coming out of building, getting into carriages, waving at people. Sequence on provincial premiers Robarts, Bennett among others, with Prime Minister of Canada Lester B. Pearson. LAMCS of Lester B. Pearson smiling. Shots of premiers riding past camera in their respective convertibles, PEI legislature in background. LS of Fathers of Confederation posing in group as in classic photo of original Fathers. Sequence on sailors putting on a show, firing blank charges from old field pieces. Cut to night shots of spectators applauding, of fireworks. Interior views of Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson and Provincial Premiers in conference; including premier of Quebec Jean Lesage.