Shots of coffin being carried into Ottawa basilica, of Mrs Georges Vanier and relatives entering church followed by high ranking government officials and soldiers. Several shots of funeral service form organ loft in basilica, of attendance. Shot of hearse arriving at Ottawa station, soldiers on parade, coffin being put on train as newsmen crowd around, train pulling out. Night sequence in Quebec City showing train arriving, Premier Daniel Johnson and wife boarding train to greet Mrs Vanier followed by Jean Lesage, lieutenant-governor Hugues Lapointe. Sequence on distinguished mourners arriving at Quebec cathedral, lieutenant-governor Lapointe, Louis Saint-Laurent. Shots of Mrs Vanier arriving, of coffin arriving, being carried into church. Exterior and interior shots of people entering church. HASs of funeral service, Cardinal Leger officiating, of attendance, of television cameras. Sequence on coffin being carried out of church, Royal 22nd Regiment honour guard, distinguished mourners following coffin, including prime minister Lester B Pearson, John Diefenbaker, Daniel Johnson, Jean Lesage, Jean Marchand, Paul Hellyer. Shots of funeral cortege in streets, spectators lining route. PAN from flags on Citadel ramparts to crypt, much snow. Shot of coffin being carried into crypt. PAN of Citadel, marching soldiers. (00/03/1967)