Short sequence on Queen Elizabeth II in state apparel arriving by car with Prince Philip, being greeted by soldiers, clergy. LACU of girl, Peace Tower in background. Rear shot of woman holding small Maple Leaf flag. Several shots of people in audience including elderly woman, tiny Asian boy looking over camera, children sitting in grass. Sequence on royal couple entering open car, driving off past crowd, Royal Canadian Mounted Police conspicuous. MLS of young man clinging to lamp standard, people in lower background, flags, shields. LS of Peace Tower, TILT DOWNs to crowd moving freely back and forth. Sequence on royal couple in informal attire arriving, being greeted by Secretary of State Judy Lamarsh and others, passing by camera. MLS of hundreds of balloons floating up, LAS of Peace Tower in background, boy clinging to ornate lamp standard in foreground. HAS of Queen and Judy Lamarsh passing by camera, Prince Philip and others following. (sound)