MCS of man opening and reading letter in office, woman typing in background. CU of "Advertising Manager" on door, man opening door, giving letter to manager sitting at desk. Shot of cat sitting on counter in newspaper information office, cat leaping off. CS of empty chair, PAN to linotype machine. Shots of woman distributing bundles of newspaper to newsboys standing at counter. MS of man standing at counter, woman entering, handing newspaper to man who starts reading. Interior MLS in clinic, doctor preparing to give vaccine to man, nurse at work in foreground. MS of man entering editorial room, TILT DOWN to other man sitting at desk, both studying layout sheet of newspaper. CU of typefaces in tray. CU of woman writing down message while talking on antique telephone. PAN from cars parked in field to group assembled in front of barn for auction. MSs of man auctioneering Jersey cow, people in foreground, of farmers and boys watching, one farmer raises hand to bid and moves off frame.