STK-ID 32950

Shots of white fox digging for food in snow. CS of two arctic hare feeding. Shot of white ptarmigan on snow and shots of Bathurst inlet and broken sea ice. LS of migrating band of caribou, adult cow walking on ice and caribou herd on tundra with snow almost gone. Shot of caribou bull running, of swans flying and lapland larkspur on tundra. Shot of male ptamigan and female on nest and eggs. Shot of redpoll adult and nest and eggs. Shot of peregrine falcon flying and cliff where she nests. MS of falcon nest. CS of three brown falcon eggs. Shots of glaucous gulls flying and CS of eggs in nest. Shots of arctic daisy, poppy, dryas, rhododendron, tundra, lousewort, oxytropis. Shots of sabine gull flying overhead, nesting on ground. CS of sabine gulls nest, egg. MS and CS of golden plover. Shot of semipalmated plover, parasitic jaeger, nest, eggs and CS of baby chick. Shots of redbacked sandpiper, of king eider duck, and its mate, of the greater snow goose and mate, the red-throated loom and red phalarope, feeding.


Excerpt from
Arctic Beauty
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm original kodachrome
Aspect ratio