STK-ID 33072

Sequence on wharf showing fishermen unloading lobsters, dumping traps, of men removing lobsters from racks, sorting lobsters into crates. CS of little boy watching. MS of men floating crates of live lobsters in water at dock. CU of lobsters in trap, PAN to crates where lobsters are placed. CS of fisherman carefully returning smaller lobster to water. CS of fisherman holding lobster to camera. MLSs of fishermen aboard boat hauling in traps, of lobsters being removed from traps and thrown onto boat. Several CUs of lobster in water, seen through glass of aquarium, of lobster biting at hand, hand finally grabbing reluctant lobster.


Excerpt from
Lobster Fishing
New Brunswick
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, Video HI 8
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio