Various TRAVELLING SHOTs of motorcade moving down Toronto street, of crowd lining route. Shots of train pulling into station, of Royal Canadian Mounted Police pallbearers removing William Lyon Mackenzie King's coffin from train, of pallbearers walking slowly with coffin, Louis Saint-Laurent, CD Howe, Speaker of Senate King, Brooke Claxton and other following. Shots of dump truck backing up to grave, dumping load, of three men shoveling ground at grave. Shots of crowd gathering at gravesite, of crowd filing past to pay last respects. HALS of RCMP pallbearers carrying coffin from train station into waiting hearse. Shots of RCMP walking beside slowly moving hearse, of people along route, of RCMP carrying coffin from hearse to grave. Shots of RCMP lowering coffin onto rollers at grave. PAN across room, many flowers, to exposed coffin. CU of Mackenzie King in coffin.