STK-ID 33269

LS across wheat field, farm in distant background. MS of combine moving away from camera in wheat field. PAN of herd of cows grazing on prairie. Shots of hens in cages, of hand stirring liquid in beaker in laboratory, of test beds in experimental farm, including chives. Shots of cows grazing in meadows, of herd walking towards camera. Shots of signs directing to various departments of experimental farm, of hay being hoisted up to hay loft in barn. PANs of sculptured hedges. MLS of barn on experimental farm. CU of face of Merino lamb. MS of Aberdeen Angus cattle in meadow. ESTABLISHING HAS over experimental farm.


Excerpt from
Experimental Farm / Brandon Fair
Prairie Provinces
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, Video HI 8
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio