STK-ID 33303

Shots of Captain Frank Hawkes, official referee of the National Reliability Tour. GROUND TO AIR SHOT of aircraft competing in Ford Reliability Tour arriving. Shot of spectators gazing skywards. CS of William Welborn of Sparton Aircraft Company posing by plane. Sequence on biplane turning past camera, CU of pilot at controls in cockpit. Shots of Curtiss Condor bomber, of passengers getting off plane, posing. MS of Ford Trimotor and MCS of engine. Sequence on Australian flyer, Mrs Keith Miller coming in for landing, CU of Miller in cockpit of her Fairchild, MS of Miller being welcomed by by Major General JH McBrien. MS of Triad Amphibian. CS of pilot posing by plane. Shots of aircraft approaching field for landing. CU of France Harrell of Houston, Texas in cockpit, CS of Harrell checking engine of her modified Moth. MSs of pilot May Haizlip posing by her plane. Shot of Goodrich Company white Lockheed "Vega" landing. Shot of plane being looked over on field. HA PAN of aircrafts of the Reliability Tour lined up on field. [End title; Titles interspersed]


Excerpt from
Air Pageant
National Film Board
Available formats
Digital Bétacam, Reel 35 mm, Digital Video Disk
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w, 35mm dupe neg b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486