STK-ID 33306

MS of station wagon mounted on blocks. MS of "Scottish Creamery" plant. Shot of fisherman hauling in net aboard fishing boat. MS of fisherman spreading salt on drying fish, CU of his face as he works. HALS of several fishermen spreading salt over drying fish on tables outside village. ESTABLISHING HAS of small maritime village. MLS of sand dunes on beach, grass in foreground, waves rolling in the distance. MS of fisherman approaching house, dropping duffle bag to take small girl in his arms, entering house, other small girl following. CS of fisherman and little girl. LS of man walking towards camera along long wharf, rough water splashing at left frame. LS of docked riverboat. MS of small, rural church. MLS of two men aboard fishing dory a few feet off shore.


Excerpt from
The Rising Tide
Cape Breton Island
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, Video HI 8
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio