Brief LAS of biplane bomber overflying the camera. Cut to parachutist falling as seen from plane, parachute opening. Ground LS of man landing. Shot of several parachutists entering a Douglas C-1, plane taxis off. Cut to men jumping in close succession as seen from cockpit of plane. MLS AIR TO AIR SHOT of several men jumping from stout AT-2 airliner. Closer look of same, seen from jump plane itself. MSs of Lieutenant H.R. Harris, Lieutenant JA Macready - 1st non-stop flight across the U.S. -, the Good Will flyers on their return from South America. CU of Charles A. Lindbergh and as he sits into his plane. PAN along line-up of crew of the "Question Mark" - broke endurance record for staying aloft, 150 hours with in-flight refuelling - Sergeant Roy Hooe, Lieutenants Elwood Quesada, Harry Halverson, Captain Ira Eaker and Major Carl Spaaz. Shot of Hegenberger and Maitland - 1st flight from US to Hawaii. Shot of Peruvian flyers donning parachutes. Shot of Lieutenants brookley and James Doolittle attaching parachutes - Doolittle: 1st blind take off and landing, 1st flight across continent in one day, leader of 1st bombing raid over Tokyo. Shots of airship taking off, trainees jumping from rope ladders attached to gondola. Several more shots of men jumping from planes, landing.