STK-ID 33676

Flying Fortresses raid in broad daylight: various shots of Flying Fortresses taking off, airborne, of bombs falling, of target, bomb bursting, of one Fortress falling out of control. Shots of flack puffs, bombs falling from Omega plane. Sequence on Flying Fortresses landing, of crews examining damage, gaping holes in fuselage. Flying Fortresses, Con Trails. GROUND TO AIR SHOT of several Lancasters during raid. Shots of Lancasters during flight, raid. AIR TO AIR SHOTs of buzz bombs exploding. Shot of twin-engined plane crashing, pilot floating down, being welcomed by civilians. Gun camera footage of targets being blasted by rockets. Ground shots of wrecked enemy equipment, allied tanks on the move.


Excerpt from
War News
National Film Board
Available formats
Digital Video Disk, Digital Bétacam, Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486