STK-ID 33747

Night shots of two Canadian soldiers walking along brightly lit Tokyo street, entering sushi restaurant. Interior shots of sushi restaurant, the two soldiers entering, taking place at bar, of cook behind counter preparing sushi for men. Sequence at dance club showing the two Canadian soldiers entering, soldiers sitting at tables with Japanese women, soldiers dancing with Japanese women. Shots of dance orchestra performing on stage, of couples dancing on dance floor. CSs of soldiers sitting at tables with Japanese women, standing up to dance. MS of two Canadian soldiers standing at back of room, laughing.


Excerpt from
With the Canadians in Korea
Tokyo (city)
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, Digital Video Disk, Digital Bétacam
Shooting format
35mm neg b&w, 35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486