Numerous MCSs of a woman pouring ice cream and apple juice into sherbet glasses. Numerous MCSs and CSs of same woman pouring syrup on top of apple halves, including CS of apple can. Various CUs of a bright red apple beeing cored, wedges being dipped in lemon juice and being displayed onto salad. MCSs of a table set with chocolate cake and apple slices on top. Shot of tray of hot apple punch, and plate of ready to bake apples. Numerous MCSs of a woman stuffing cored apple prior to baking. Numerous CSs of baked apples. Numerous MCSs and CSs of a woman making lattice apple pie and young boy watching her, them both eating a piece of pie. Numerous MCSs and CSs of a woman performing different operations during the making of apple fritters. CSs of a young boy stealing and eating apple fritters. CSs of a young woman's face.