Various shots of frozen rudders and ships in Quebec City Harbour, of man climbing up footbridge onto ship, of "Poseidon Linien" ship sailing up Saint Lawrence River, of ship sailing on golden waters at end of the day, ice in evidence. Daytime MS of stem of orange beached boat, vehicular traffic in foreground. MS of clump of frozen ships. BOATING HAMCS of pieces of ice on river. BOATING MCS of huge blocks of ice. LAMCS of man standing on block. MCS of stem of Levis ferryboat moored at quay, of welder at work on part of boat. BOATING MS of ice on river, TILT UP to MSs of Russian ship sailing by, of men on deck, of bow of ship with Russian name, Levis in background. Various shots of men at work mooring ship, Chateau Frontenac in evidence in one shot behind docker. Various shots of bow of ship making its way through ice, of ice on river. CS, MCSs of crew aboard ship, of man at wheel, harbour in evidence through windows in some shots. Various shots of Russian ship being tied to tugboat, of tugboat pulling Russian ship out of harbour, sailors on both ships in evidence, of cables being tossed overboard, of Russian ship heading down frozen river, of men aboard ship at end of the day. (00/02/1969)