MCS of trees in flooded area, base of trees are immersed in water. TILT DOWN to CS of brown water, TILT UP and ZOOM IN to MCS of researcher (woman) in a small dugout canoe. FOLLOW SHOT as she paddles towards wooden house on stilts. MCS of a Metis man coming out of house to greet her, ties canoe to stairs and they both step into house. MCS of wooden house on stilts in flooded area. Brief CS of Indigenous woman looking towards camera through window of wooden house on stilts. MCS of house, woman in window. CS of child looking out window. CS of ducks in water swimming among trees in flooded area. CS of woman in window opening of house on stilts. CS of child looking out window of house on stilts. CS of canoe tied up to stilt of wooden house in flooded area. MCS of man in canoe bailing out water and paddling away. MCS of front of wooden house, researcher (woman) walks through door and steps down to waterline, unties her canoe, says goodbye to her Indigenous friends in doorway, steps into canoe and paddles away.