STK-ID 3400

Sequences on Yanoàma Indigenous people: man making epena (hallucinogenic drug). CU of man grinding dried leaves to powder in a plate using his hands, TILT UP to CS of man, body painted with red circles. Various CUs as man transfers powder into empty coconut shell, ZOOM OUT to CSs as man proceeds to grind powder with stick like in a mortar. FOLLOW SHOT of man fetching sifter, CS of powder being poured in sifter, powder being sifted. CSs of children playing on huge log on stilts inside communal hut. CS of man taking small wooden sticks, heating then over small fire. ZOOM IN to CU of blackened tips of wood, ZOOM OUT to CS back view of man working over fire. CU of man's hands rubbing sticks together over plate of powdered leaves, dropping pieces of bark fall into plate. CS of man using stick to grind powder in stone plate. CSs of man placing coloured feathers in his ear lobes. CS of man tying string around left arm as an armband, ZOOM IN to CU of armband as man inserts long toucan red feather. Brief CS of man sniffing powder. CS of small pile of powder in stone plate. Several CSs and CUs of Yanoàma man in traditional costume (painted body, feather earings and armband) inhaling drug (epena) with assistance of young boy blowing up drug up man's nostrils through long tube. Several shots from different angles of Yanoàma man under influence of drug (epena).


Excerpt from
The Biosphere
Amazon River region
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm, Digital Bétacam, Digital Video Disk
Shooting format
16mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486