STK-ID 34023

Several shots from different angles in fishing village "Main-A-Dieu", Nova Scotia, of a catholic procession with priests and altar boys walking from village to pier, of them on pier going down ladder to fishing boat, of crowd on pier seen from boat as boat leaves, of priests and altar boys on boat, of priests blessing fishing boats sailing in front of them one after the other and saluting people, of everyone having pleasant time on boat while sailing back to pier, of women on pier taking poictures as boat draws alongside, of priest helping altar boys to climb up ladder. MLSs of the vilage "Main-A-Dieu", lobster traps and fishing boats in foreground. ZOOM IN MS on the church in one shot.


Excerpt from
Tomorrow Is Too Late
Nova Scotia
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm original ektachrome
Aspect ratio